This plug-in is for pulling information about an artist to a sidebar widget.
- event listing
- top track listing
- multiple widgets the way they meant to be (add arbitrarily many widget instances to your sidebar)
- complete customization of the list view possible via format strings and tags
- I18n available: English, German. Add your own!
- Powerful examples available (see below)
Change Log
- 0.7.1
- [FIX] Variable substitution for GoogleMaps generated invalid markup
- [ADD] Russian translation by “Fat Cow” (
- 0.7
- [FIX] uninstall method changed
- [FIX] another try to avoid doubled entries
- [FIX] hide-if-empty was broken
- [ADD] now the plugin carries some cool ready-to-use layout variants (fully customizable, of course)
- [CHANGE] the built-in layouts now feature robust, CSS-driven tooltips
- [ADD] there is a new special tag for variables %VARIABLE:<name-of-variable>:<value-of-variable>% which is only useful in built-in configurations and needed for things like API keys
- 0.6.2
- [FIX] Thickbox script now only in admin panel, hence avoiding the 404 when auto-loading loadingAnimation.gif in posts with permalinks enabled.
- 0.6.1
- [FIX] CSS Compatibility with 2.7
- [FIX] Plugin subtitle in widget view localized
- [ADD] Un-Installation procedure
- [ADD] Introducing advanced customization ;)
- 0.6
- [ADD] New widget type: top tracks
- lists your top 50 (or less)
- comes with own set of 11 tags, including a special, if-then tag
- I included a working example, which illustrates the power. See the examples on the documentation page for a short explanation.
- [ADD] more clarity in widget options
- [ADD] New widget type: top tracks
- 0.5
- 0.4
- [FIX] Widget-Options bug when adding the widget to the sidebar.
- [FIX] Date-Tag bug
- [ADD] Some new Meta-Tags: %NUMBER-OF-EVENTS%, %NUMBER%, %ARTIST-URL%
- [ADD] Additional options for header and footer, allowing complete customization.
- 0.3
- Completed tag support: Every delivered field may now be used.
- Language support enabled, German and English included. You are welcome to submit your language, since the necessary files to translate are in the “lang” folder.
- 0.2
- Extended tag support: Almost every field of the XML answer may now be used
- Language support prepared.
- more style in widget options
- 0.1
- Initial Version based on Simon Wheatley Last.FM Events plug-in.
Here are some examples of the built-in layouts. Remember that this is customizable to 100% and there is no knowledge beside some basic html/css required. Just have a look for what is hidden behind the advanced button. The built-in layouts just preload some of this options and can be used as starting points.
Simple Event List

This is so default. There is a hidden <span> element included which is designed to be shown as tool-tip. From from v0.7 on these tooltips are css-driven (and look slightly different).
Simple Event Map

A mash-up with GoogleMaps for which you will need to register your domain with google to get a free API key. Once you have one for your domain, this one is possible for you. The markers are tool-tipped with event infos, of course.
Tour Map

A more sophisticated mash-up, showing the next event as a marker and connecting the following with a thin red line. As above, you’ll need a free API key for the domain you want to use it on.

The default charts layout. Simple and effective. If a song is full streamable, the link will not just bring you to the song page, but autostarts the song. I also included a hidden span tag, just like in the default event list, which contains the number of plays and the album cover.
The plugin should really be self-explanatory, but for beginners, here is a how-to (based on v0.7):
- Install and activate the plugin either by the new WP2.7 backend or the old fashioned way:
- Download and unzip the plugin folder
- Upload the the folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin using your WordPress plugin section
- Navigate to the widget section in your WordPress backend
- Add one (ore more) “ for Artist” widgets to the sidebar of your choice
- Customize the options for every single widget, including:
- Widget title – you can ommit this one, resulting in a title-less widget
- Artist – this is mandatory, of course. No guarantees for special characters, try to use the name as shown in the artist page url
- Number of items – how many entries are too much for your users?
- Widget type – which information means the most to you? Choose one! It is important that you select a layout (or write your custom one) after changing type or adding a new widget, otherwise the formatting would be uninitialized and the widget will be empty.
- Test-drive – Show the plugin only to users which are logged in. Very useful to test custom format-strings
- Widget Layout – Choose your preferred layout out of a few built-in examples. I recommend to jump start with one them and customize it with advanced configuration to match your theme or requirements.
- Customize the format strings to gain full control. The tags are explained via tooltips.
- Reload your blog and enjoy your custom mash-up! :)
Visit the official support forums or contact me at
I would really like to thank all gentle donators, but up to now there wasn’t a single donation. Anyhow, every donator has the option to have his name published here.